This Sunday – 9th February
Second Sunday always begins with bacon butties, so come a little early and grab a second breakfast. This week we’ll be beginning a new series looking at the seven ‘I am’ statements of Jesus, there will also be plenty of time for worship and fellowship. We’ll be sharing communion together and there’ll be groups for both youth and children. We’ll also be launching our Lent Course called Practising the way! Do come along…we miss you when you’re not there!
Practising English
On Mondays, 1.45 – 3pm (term time only) we run a weekly Practising English class. It’s a friendly group, providing people opportunity to practise their English in a conversational setting. If this is helpful to you or someone you know, do let them know. The class is led by Cathie Kitley.
Worship jam night – Tuesday 11th Feb, 7:30pm
Our last JAM NIGHT was lots of fun and it was great to see so many people turn up for it! If you’d like to come along to the next one it’s taking place on Tuesday 11th Feb. Please let Craig know you’re coming along as it really helps with set up and prep. It’s open to singers as well as musicians.
Parent/Carer, Baby & Toddler Group – every Friday morning
Our parent/carer, baby and toddler group for pre-schoolers, called Play & Chat, takes place every Friday morning from 10am to 11.30am during term time and includes stories, songs, and a space to play, chat and make new friends.
Dates for March
Alongside the regular events, do make a note of the following:
Pancake Party – Shrove Tuesday, 4th March 6-7pm.
Women’s 10 Pin Bowling – Evening of Thursday 6th March (Exact details to be confirmed)
Men’s Board Game Evening – Tuesday 18th March, 7:30pm
Easter Sunday Baptisms
Have you been baptised? If not, would you like to be?! This Easter Sunday (20th April) there will be an opportunity for folks to be baptised in the baptism pool (full immersion). If this is something you’re interested in, please do let me know as soon as you’re able. If it’s something you’re thinking about but would like more info, again, please let me know and we can have a chat about it.
Term Card Jan-Apr 2025
Available NOW! Pick up yours in church, or download one, take a look here: https://www.stphilipstw.co.uk/term-card
Community Larder
The Community Larder opens each week on a Tuesday from 11.30am - 12.15pm.
We have a cafe beforehand serving tea and coffee providing a space for people to sit and chat whilst they wait to go in. This normally opens around 10.30am.
Bring a bag plus minimum £4 donation per bag.
For more information on the Community Larder please see: https://www.stphilipstw.co.uk/community-larder
If you have a query, please email: larder@stphilipstw.co.uk
If you would like to give a donation, which will allow us to purchase food and equipment for the Community Larder, please visit our Just Giving page: http://bit.ly/larderdonate
Worship & Prayer Evenings once a month on Tuesdays at 7.30pm
Throughout 2025 the plan is to gather monthly for prayer and worship on the first Tuesday of each month.
We’ll meet for about an hour, with approximately 30 mins dedicated to worship and 30 mins dedicated to prayer. This month we’ll be looking back with thankfulness and looking forward with faith and hope!
Do come along if you can!
Youth Group
Our youth group meets fortnightly on Sunday evenings beginning at 6pm and is open to all those in school years 7 - 13. For more info please contact Rich.
Getting Involved – Youth Work
We’re really blessed to have a good number of young people coming along on Sunday’s. We also have a youth group that meets fortnightly on Sunday evenings (6-7:30pm). We are looking to build the Sunday evening team, so if this is something you might be interested in helping with, do let me know as soon as you can!
Monthly 8am Communion Service
The 8am service will take place once a month, on the first Sunday of each month and will alternate between the Book of Common Prayer and Common Worship communion services. The service will last about 30-40 minutes.
Join a team...
We’re looking to expand our children’s and youth team for September. We’d love to be able to increase what we do on Sunday mornings, and so, might you be willing to lend a hand and get involved. Our aim is for people to only serve once a month. If you’d be interested in joining either the children’s or the youth team, please do speak to Julie re: children, or Catherine re: youth. (For these teams, DBS checks will be required.)
As from September we will need a few new people to join the AV team. (The team that operates the PA system and the projection software.) Full training will be given. Our aim is for people to serve a maximum of one Sunday a month. If interested, please speak to Andy Collins.
Cake Rota
Might you be willing to provide (bake or buy) some cakes periodically for after the Church Service. If so, how about joining the cake rota! You don’t need to be the next Paul Hollywood…last time Julie and I did it, we bought doughnuts!!! If you’re willing and able let me know as soon as you can.
PCC and Church Wardens
If you’re interested in standing for PCC or Church Warden, please can you notify me by Sunday 21st April. You’ll need to complete a form which includes the details of those nominating you. If you would like to discuss what is involved in being on the PCC or acting as Church Warden before deciding, please do get in touch as soon as possible.
Nine Practices of Jesus
Some of you asked if I might send a reminder of the ‘Nine Practices of Jesus’ I mentioned very briefly during a recent sermon. They were, Sabbath, Solitude & Silence, Prayer, Fasting, Scripture, Community, Generosity, Service and Witness. I’d really encourage you to experiment with these practices as you partner with the Holy Spirit in the life-long process of spiritual formation and becoming more and more like Jesus. Start where you’re honestly at, not where you think you should be…i.e. if you don’t usually read the Bible at all each day, begin with a short section from a gospel, or perhaps a Psalm. How about this week, you start with Sabbath, a day of your choosing given over to worship, rest, and the cultivation of joy! (If you want any recommended reads or pointers, do come back to me!)
Electoral Roll
If you worship regularly at St Philip's but are not yet on the Church's electoral roll can I encourage you to sign up. Being on the roll means that you're able to vote at the APCM and stand for PCC should you wish to. It's also helpful to us in terms of reporting to the Diocese. In essence it functions as the Church's membership list so it's helpful if it's reflective of those who gather regularly to worship. Being on the roll does not commit you to anything. Electoral Roll forms are available every Sunday. Just ask Andy, Martyn or me for one!
Morning prayer
We get together for morning prayer each week, Monday to Friday, at 9am via Zoom. See PRAYER under ABOUT US in the main menu for Zoom details and words.
Recent talks
All our talks are available as podcasts and can be found here: https://stphilipschurch.podbean.com
Pre-Service Prayer and Worship
At 9:00am every Sunday we have 30 mins of worship and prayer for the life of the church, the nation and there is time to listen to God for the service itself. Do join us if you can.
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